
Azalina vs the five PR states: Your say

Apr 9, 08 10:09am

vox populi big thumbnail‘The more discrimination imposed on the Pakatan Rakyat states, the more the people will insist on supporting PR.’

On BN doesn't discriminate, Azalina tells MBs

Kamen Lee: Azalina said it was a ‘technical’ matter when her ministry channels funds to a different committee and not the state Tourism Action Councils (TAC) like other BN-held states.

Technical? My foot! This is daylight robbery. We, as voters in Selangor, Penang, Perak, Kedah and Kelantan, are now being robbed of our much needed tourism money.

I am gutted. These are the things that BN likes to do that vindicated my choice in voting for the opposition during the recent election.

Zorgen: Irregardless of whatever explanation that was given, it is very obvious that this is discriminating against the people in the five states under the administration of Pakatan Rakyat. I suggest that the people in the five states controlled by Pakatan Rakyat should pay their income taxes to state government instead of going to federal.

By the way, Azalina and other BN (so-called) leaders must not understand anything about psychology. The more discrimination imposed on the PR states, the more the people will insist on supporting PR.

BN has never learned from their failure in Kelatan. Probably they (BN leaders) are too proud to learn from the rakyat. All these (and upcoming) discriminations already helped me to decide my vote in 13th GE. Let's experience another round of tsunami in five years time.

Uncle Leow: If Azalina get away with this we should hold a referendum to determine that:

1. Citizens of the five states pay taxation only to their state government. The PR state government should find a law to allow us, the citizens in the PR states, to pay income tax and all federal tax directly to the state government. Only after deducting all needed expenses like for industrial development, sports, tourism and others will the balance go to the federal government for defense, transportation and other related matters.

2. Become independent and secede from Malaysia. PR states should become independent, running their own internal and foreign affairs. The PR state will maintain own foreign diplomatic corps, their own police and army. Just like the republic of Singapore and Brunei. In this way, the PR states can run their own administrative policies without conflicting BN’s. PR and BN can be friends again without causing harm to each other.

Peter Yew: Somehow her actions betray her and Azalina’s actions clearly show strong discrimination. Was she suggesting that the BN government does not trust federal funds in the hands of the PR state governments? I would venture to say that based on the corruption records of past BN state governments, the PR state governments will be able to stretch every federal ringgit more effectively.

In many countries, tourism is a state affair and tourism revenue are retained by the states. May I suggest to the PR governments to initiate their own state run tourism programmes and see how the BN government reacts.

On Don't take it out on tourists, MBs tick off Azalina

Michael Sun: Azalina's pre-emptive strike against the PR-controlled states only shows her own immaturity as a statesman and reflects on her arrogance and ignorance. Azalina must realise that there are also BN supporters within the Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states. Most probably they are the Umno cronies with licences operating tour agencies. They would be affected when there is a slowdown in tourist arrivals. Why cut your nose to spite your face?

Her actions best personify her arrogance and abuse of ministerial power. Money in the national treasury - not Umno’s nor Azalina's money. It is money collected from poor taxpayers like us irrespective of our political divide. PM Abdullah who claimed that he is the PM for all Malaysians, must now reprimand his minister for making this insane directive. Let's see whether Abdullah can show us his ‘leadership’.

Transparent Malaysian: Is she just the minister of tourism for the BN states or the minister of tourism for Malaysia? Does she know the difference between serving the people of Malaysia and serving her emotional side?

With people like this in a CEO position, can Malaysia grow in tourism again? She should be discussing with each and every MB and drawing out a map of action for tourism promotion for the whole of Malaysia rather than behaving like a child.


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